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SPI produces its own magazine, Enigmas (formerly SPI Magazine)
Enigmas is now a quarterly magazine, edited and produced by Brian P James.
Publication dates: March, June, September and December
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An Article by Founder of SPI Malcolm Robinson - Llantwit Major:
Psychic Investigation in April 2004 By Jane McCarthy - UFO Roundup:
Sightings Reported to APRA
Enigmas is available by mail order
Single Issues:
• UK & Europe – £3.50 per issue (includes P&P)
• Rest of World – £4.00 per issue (includes P&P)
Send Cheques, Postal Orders or International Money Orders, made payable to
“Strange Phenomena Investigations”, to:
SPI Contact Details: Strange Phenomena Investigations
Why not take out a subscription ?
Enjoy 4 issues of Enigmas a year at the discounted rate:
• UK & Europe – £12.00 per year (includes P&P)
• Rest of World – £14.00 per year (includes P&P)
A subscription form is available here
March 2005
- Continuing Presence of Montague Keen
- H P Lovecraft – Visionary?
- A Very Different Orb
- UFO Roundup
- Spirits caught on Camera?
- Camera Phone ‘UFOs’
- Robinson’s Ramblings
December 2004
- Spirit Orb at SPI Lecture
- Tribute to Dr John Mack
- The Hidden Truth
- Boarding the Astral Plane
- Really the ‘Other Side’?
- Psychic Dream Experiments
- 25 Years of SPI
- Delamere Forest Incident
September 2004
- Signals Received from ET?
- The Ark of the Covenant
- Are Ghosts Memories of Who We Were
- The Moving Orb Photo Myth
- 4th British Skywatch Report
- Interview with ‘Nessie Hunter’ Adrian Shine
- New of the Dark Entertainment Industry
- 2004 Crop Circle Season Reviewed
- The Myth of ‘Alien Abductions’
June 2004
- Mexico UFO Footage
- Psychoses Article
- Canal Haunting Case
- Mysterious Body Markings,
- Big Cat Diary
- Sunderland UFO Footage
- Conspiracy Corner…
March 2004
- Orbs: Real or Mundane
- A Scientific Look at Orb Phenomena
- Re-incarnation – Do We Live Again?
- UFO Reports; & a New UFO Photo?
- And much, much more…
December 2003
- Tripping the Light Fantastic – Hallucinogens and Enlightenment
- A Very British UFO Hoax – The Untold Story
- An Evening With the Other Side (Part 2)
June 2003
- A Phenomenal Day
- An Evening With The Other Side (Part 1)
- Mirror, Mirror On The Wall
April 2003
- The Comet That Wasn’t There
- An Unusual Sunrise on 31 May
- Big Cat at Aston Rowant?
- Platform Clairvoyance – Feedback